Мirror issues fixed
As noted by Mike (Thank you!) certificate for mirror.sysadminguide.net did not renew in time. Issue is now fixed, and I’m working on а better solution.
As noted by Mike (Thank you!) certificate for mirror.sysadminguide.net did not renew in time. Issue is now fixed, and I’m working on а better solution.
mirror.sysadminguide.net is offline. online My test server that hosted the web site has issues and recovery is undergoing. Status updates could be found on this post. Update: Mirror service is up
From today we are mirroring UBCD iso download. For those who are not familiar UBCD stands for Ultimate Boot CD and it is collection of Open Source and freeware tools that could be used to troubleshoot or fix issues with …
(Translated from CentALT web site Site offline) Introduction Quite a few system administrators use RHEL 5 or one of multiple clones CentOS or Scientific Linux. With this repository you will be able fairly easy to install on RHEL/CentOS 5 latest …