Поправки свързани със сигурността за Tuesday 06/15/21

Поправки са публикувани от CentOS (CESA-2021:2206 Important CentOS 7 firefox Security Update, CEBA-2021:2324 CentOS 7 ipa BugFix Update, CESA-2021:2313 Moderate CentOS 7 samba Security Update, CESA-2021:2033 Important CentOS 7 xorg-x11-server Security Update, CEBA-2021:2319 CentOS 7 sssd BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2321 CentOS 7 vsftpd BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2317 CentOS 7 unzip BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2311 CentOS 7 resource-agents BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2315 CentOS 7 pki-core BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2312 CentOS 7 rsyslog BugFix Update, CESA-2021:2322 Moderate CentOS 7 qemu-kvm Security Update, CESA-2021:2147 Important CentOS 7 glib2 Security Update, CESA-2021:2323 Moderate CentOS 7 389-ds-base Security Update, CESA-2021:2318 Moderate CentOS 7 hivex Security Update, CEBA-2021:2325 CentOS 7 fence-agents BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2329 CentOS 7 gssproxy BugFix Update, CEBA-2021:2320 CentOS 7 kexec-tools BugFix Update, CESA-2021:2357 Important CentOS 7 dhcp Security Update, CESA-2021:2328 Important CentOS 7 qt5-qtimageformats Security Update, CEBA-2021:2326 CentOS 7 haproxy BugFix Update, CESA-2021:2314 Important CentOS 7 kernel Security Update, CESA-2021:1512 Important CentOS 7 postgresql Security Update)

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