Поправки свързани със сигурността за Saturday 03/07/20

Поправки са публикувани от Debian ([DSA 4620-1] firefox-esr security update, [DSA 4621-1] openjdk-8 security update, [DSA 4622-1] postgresql-9.6 security update, [DSA 4623-1] postgresql-11 security update, [DSA 4624-1] evince security update, [DSA 4625-1] thunderbird security update, [DSA 4626-1] php7.3 security update, [DSA 4627-1] webkit2gtk security update, [DSA 4628-1] php7.0 security update, [DSA 4629-1] python-django security update, [DSA 4630-1] python-pysaml2 security update, [DSA 4631-1] pillow security update, [DSA 4632-1] ppp security update, [DSA 4633-1] curl security update, [DSA 4634-1] opensmtpd security update, [DSA 4635-1] proftpd-dfsg security update, [DSA 4636-1] python-bleach security update) CentOS (CESA-2020:0471 Moderate CentOS 6 spice-gtk Security Update, CESA-2020:0521 Important CentOS 6 firefox Security Update, CESA-2020:0515 Important CentOS 6 ksh Security Update, CESA-2020:0520 Important CentOS 7 firefox Security Update, CESA-2020:0541 Important CentOS 7 java-1.7.0-openjdk Security Update, CESA-2020:0540 Important CentOS 7 sudo Security Update, CESA-2020:0550 Important CentOS 7 openjpeg2 Security Update, CESA-2020:0374 Important CentOS 7 kernel Security Update, CESA-2020:0578 Important CentOS 7 python-pillow Security Update, CESA-2020:0568 Important CentOS 7 ksh Security Update, CESA-2020:0576 Important CentOS 7 thunderbird Security Update, CESA-2020:0574 Important CentOS 6 thunderbird Security Update, CESA-2020:0631 Important CentOS 6 ppp Security Update, CESA-2020:0632 Important CentOS 6 java-1.7.0-openjdk Security Update, CESA-2020:0630 Important CentOS 7 ppp Security Update, CESA-2020:0702 Important CentOS 6 xerces-c Security Update, CESA-2020:0704 Important CentOS 7 xerces-c Security Update, CESA-2020:0703 Important CentOS 7 http-parser Security Update)

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